Old age is a tyrant, who forbids, under pain of death, the pleasures of youth.
Old men are fond of giving good advice to console themselves for their inability to give bad examples.
Old people love to give good advice; it compensates them for their inability to set a bad example.
Perhaps being old is having lighted rooms inside your head, and people in them, acting. People you know, yet can't quite name.
Heat of blood makes young people change their inclinations often, and habit makes old ones keep to theirs a great while.
Good advice is something a man gives when he is too old to set a bad example.
It is with an old love as it is with old age a man lives to all the miseries, but is dead to all the pleasures.
In a way, certain sections of the media always wanted to knock me because I had captained my country and been skipper at Old Trafford. It was all a bit odd really.
Not an old woman that buys a paper of pins, without yielding a part of the price to the banks as interest!
Sad old blokes, I'm told, now dream of me with a whip in hand.
You can call me an older woman - I don't mind that at all - just don't call me an old one, because I'm not.
These guys are so old they're eligible for meals on wheels.
I'm old, but I'm still cute and strong. And very butch.
To see those babies with no food for three of four days, old people sitting in the hot sun, when you see these poor people, you cannot help but being compassionate or affected.
I'm an old-fashioned girl.