Leftist ideas are a part of the very atmosphere which American youth breathes.
No section of the American populace has been more completely deceived by the forces interested in keeping the truth from the people than America's youth.
The excitement of learning separates youth from old age. As long as you're learning you're not old.
I think that pop, and to some extent rock, are like sport and fashion industry in that they're about the exuberance of youth. That's the sort of subliminal ideology.
I think the people who did well, or are happy, in a youth industry, they define themselves out of the business after a decade or so.
There are singers that I have enjoyed, from Nina Simone and Ray Charles onward. But the music that made music the number one thing for me as a youth was jazz.
The things that I draw on, and the world that I feel part of, aren't particularly youth culture.
My heroes are people like Picasso and Miro and people who at last really reach something in their old age, which they absolutely couldn't ever have done in their youth.
Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances.
There is nothing can pay one for that invaluable ignorance which is the companion of youth, those sanguine groundless hopes, and that lively vanity which makes all the happiness of life.
For I have learned to look on nature, not as in the hour of thoughtless youth, but hearing oftentimes the still, sad music of humanity.
My life has ever been devoted to her service from my youth up, though never before in a cause like this - a cause for which I would most cheerfully risk and lay down my life.
One of the signs of passing youth is the birth of a sense of fellowship with other human beings as we take our place among them.
Today's accent may be on youth, but the stress is still on the parents.
The three ages of man: youth, middle age and 'my word you do look well'.