Once, during Prohibition, I was forced to live for days on nothing but food and water.
Some things are better than sex, and some are worse, but there's nothing exactly like it.
I use nothing but the best ingredients. My cookies are always baked fresh. I price cookies so that you cannot make them at home for any less. And I still give cookies away.
When children are doing nothing, they are doing mischief.
DeLillo never seems committed to me to what he is writing. Very nice surfaces, but he's got nothing underneath.
When I was 12 years old, someone took me to see Martha Graham. It was nothing like what I thought of as serious dancing and even then I knew I was having a great experience. It was as if somebody was moving through space like no one ever did before.
Artists in each of the arts seek after and care for nothing but love.
I know right a way there's a person that's very insecure; that he's trying to out do me. And, ah, like I was saying before, if you give one-hundred percent of your best, and you may have fault, but there is nothing you can do, because you gave one-hundred percent.
If nothing is at risk, nothing is established.
These are international criminals, and the spineless Democrats are doing nothing about it.
Nothing's really changed since the Harry Potter films came along.
Since music has never had a Rembrandt, we have remained nothing more than musicians.
Survival is nothing more than recovery.
Back of ninety-nine out of one-hundred assertions that a thing cannot be done is nothing, but the unwillingness to do it.
Books open your mind, broaden your mind, and strengthen you as nothing else can.