If you are in a spaceship that is traveling at the speed of light, and you turn on the headlights, does anything happen?
Traveling to swimming meets took me beyond my small-town existence, gave me a hint of the exciting world outside of my own home.
I do live like a rock star, but it's not as great as it sounds. It's a lot of traveling.
Often while traveling with a camera we arrive just as the sun slips over the horizon of a moment, too late to expose film, only time enough to expose our hearts.
I am maintaining my schedule of commuting to Washington, D.C. each week from Oregon so that I can spend my weekends and days when we are not in session traveling to communities throughout my district.
Most of my father's life consisted of traveling to almost every part of Europe.
While armchair travelers dream of going places, traveling armchairs dream of staying put.
Any discrimination, like sharp turns in a road, becomes critical because of the tremendous speed at which we are traveling into the high-tech world of a service economy.
Extensive traveling induces a feeling of encapsulation, and travel, so broadening at first, contracts the mind.
I took the ET job because I wanted to stop traveling and they said I would only work half a day. Then I could work on music the rest of the day. They put in my contract that I wouldn't work after 1 P.M.
Americans in particular are myopic. They're not traveling as much. When you were a college student, the next thing you would do on graduation was to take a year off and travel. That's what I did. I went to Indonesia.
To walk behind others on a road you are traveling together, to give precedence to others without envy - this is painful for an individual and painful for a nation.
Well, I think when we can turn to the person sitting next to us and really see them with kindness and see ourselves reflected back - when there's some dignity and compassion traveling back and forth.
That's one great thing about my profession, traveling to locations.
I have a bit of a traveling addiction, and, ah, yeah. I went to, ah, Bali this summer.