And if I lost I would have gone back to 12 weeks of vacation, because I was successful enough that I was spending much more time on non-profit boards and traveling a lot.
Before we had the kids, my husband and I were traveling a lot and working and really enjoying our lives and each other. We both love the theater and books and travel and so we were really having a lot of fun.
I would like to spend the whole of my life traveling, if I could anywhere borrow another life to spend at home.
When traveling with someone, take large does of patience and tolerance with your morning coffee.
I was more interested in skating and the girls and traveling than I was in calculus.
I was traveling on our tour bus through Europe and I was thinking I want to have long blonde hair.
My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world.
I felt we really couldn't be separated that much. I'd had a baby, and I was traveling and working alone while he was in the Army. It was very difficult-the phone calls and all of that. I really was very depressed.
I really want to make this the last stop of my career. I don't want to be a vagabond, so to speak, and be traveling from team to team, year in and year out. I'm not that type of guy. I like to be settled.
I'm a workaholic. Before long I'm traveling on my nervous energy alone. This is incredibly exhausting.
On February 7, 2.2 million Haitians went to the polls and exercised their constitutional right to select a leader. They went by foot, by tap tap and other forms of transportation, traveling hours and standing in line for almost a day to get to their polling places.
Of all possible debauches, traveling is the greatest that I know; that's the one they invented when they got tired of all the others.
I'm into all that sappy stuff - a surprise picnic, nice dinner, or traveling. I'm kind of an old romantic.
But I think traveling around and going around the world and making arrangements for moving around is the most difficult thing, 'cuz you don't know what's going to happen.
Having been to Europe and working and traveling there, the restaurants my wife and I remember were always off the beaten trail restaurants. So I tried to seek a little 'off the beaten trail,' but cool area.