I was making films about American society, and it is true that I never felt at home there, except perhaps when my wife and I lived on a farm in the San Fernando Valley.
The first internal relation that is essential to a secret society is the reciprocal confidence of its members.
He has the obligation to society that any human being has. I don't think a satirist has any greater obligation to society than a bricklayer or anybody else.
Nothing ever gets settled in this town. a seething debating society in which the debate never stops, in which people never give up, including me. And so that's the atmosphere in which you administer.
If education does not create a need for the best in life, then we are stuck in an undemocratic, rigid caste society.
Life and human society are the chief concern of Confucianism and, through it, the chief concern of the Chinese people.
Certainly another Brad Sherman might be annoying, but it isn't something society doesn't know how to deal with. But a new level of human being is something else.
Obscenity, which is ever blasphemy against the divine beauty in life, is a monster for which the corruption of society forever brings forth new food, which it devours in secret.
The same energy of character which renders a man a daring villain would have rendered him useful in society, had that society been well organized.
We live in a very dysfunctional society, and this is a very, very dysfunctional Administration.
Indeed, one of the most successful and influential religious organizations in history, the Society of Jesus, was consciously modeled along military lines by its founder, Ignatius Loyola.
Ultimately we may still ask, why can't humans design a perfect society?
Only weeks after Oslo began, when nearly all the world and most of Israel was drunk with the idea of peace, I argued that a Palestinian society not constrained by democratic norms would be a fear society that would pose a grave threat to Israel.
People may believe that there can be a society where dissent is not permitted, but which is nonetheless not a fear society because everyone agrees with one another and therefore no one wants to dissent.
Will dissent be permitted? The answer to that question will determine whether the society is a free society or a fear society.