Just the other day I pulled out this old cassette of Ragged Glory and I popped it into my cassette player and I was digging it. They were just a great rock and roll band, one that presents the song ahead of everything else - there's no grand idea or concept behind it.
The whole new Democratic Party is the old Republican Party. We have a whole bunch of elephants running around in donkey's clothes.
Just touching that old tree was truly moving to me because when you touch these trees, you have such a sense of the passage of time, of history. It's like you're touching the essence, the very substance of life.
Being an old radical, I like films like Spartacus. I could relate to the hero.
I'm not interested at all in playing more than 12, 15 tournaments a year on an annual basis because like all the old guys out here on this Tour, we've played golf for nearly 30 years of our lives.
You don't have to be old in America to say of a world you lived in: That world is gone.
I always traveled. I left Cameroon when I was 11 years old. I lived in the USA, in Switzerland.
A beautiful lady is an accident of nature. A beautiful old lady is a work of art.
Old age has got to start creeping up on me one day soon, and frankly I'm very scared. I don't want to be old. I've always felt so young. And I want to stay that way.
I have a face that is a cross between two pounds of halibut and an explosion in an old clothes closet.
I became involved in photography when I was about thirteen years old.
When marrying, ask yourself this question: Do you believe that you will be able to converse well with this person into your old age? Everything else in marriage is transitory.
There's an old saying that God exists in your search for him. I just want you to understand that I ain't looking.
I would say the most help I got was from my dad. My dad is a civil engineer in Switzerland; he's 90 years old now, so he's no longer active as a civil engineer, but still a very active person.
The death of Mrs. Lincoln was a serious loss to her husband and children. Abraham's sister Sarah was only eleven years old, and the tasks and cares of the little household were altogether too heavy for her years and experience.