Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.
Not as ours the books of old - Things that steam can stamp and fold; Not as ours the books of yore - Rows of type, and nothing more.
Technical skill counts for nothing if it is used only to manufacture films which have little to do with humanity.
Birth is the sudden opening of a window, through which you look out upon a stupendous prospect. For what has happened? A miracle. You have exchanged nothing for the possibility of everything.
It's so difficult. Sometimes if I have dessert, I think, 'Well, I blew it.' That's something I need to work on and control. But still there's nothing like a buffet.
I do not, as a rule, do encores. When I have finished playing, I have indeed finished playing. I have nothing left; there has been no reserve.
When I put some Tabasco on things, and there's really nothing in Tabasco, it's not bad for you in any way, so that's kind of become my substitute. Now you got to get used to a hot mouth, but that's okay.
Well, after I had the heart attack, it was a very simple choice. What the doctor told me I did and I did it religiously. I ate nothing but lean turkey breast or chicken breast or a piece of fish that was very lean. I mean I stayed away from everything.
Without tact you can learn nothing.
In politics nothing is contemptible.
I have brought myself, by long meditation, to the conviction that a human being with a settled purpose must accomplish it, and that nothing can resist a will which will stake even existence upon its fulfillment.
Read no history: nothing but biography, for that is life without theory.
Man is made to adore and to obey: but if you will not command him, if you give him nothing to worship, he will fashion his own divinities, and find a chieftain in his own passions.
There's nothing funnier than the human animal.
There's been nothing but discipline, discipline, discipline all my life.