I believed that I was being forced to sacrifice my family and my career in defense of the Communist Party, from which I had long been separated and which I had grown to dislike and distrust.
I knew that if it ever got down to a choice between the Party and our traditional democratic structure I would fight the Party and our traditional democratic structure I would fight the Party to the bitter end.
I only knew a few people, literally a handful of people, al of whom had been in the Party long before I was, all of whom were known by the FBI and were known to the Committee.
I was surprised to see the meeting was of Communists and the whole meeting was along Communist lines.
In art, the obvious is a sin.
The only reason for using another cut is to improve the scene.
The film's dramatic requirements should always take precedence over the mere aesthetics of editing.
With me it was that defending the Communist Party was something worse than naming the names.
Technical skill counts for nothing if it is used only to manufacture films which have little to do with humanity.