I'm not really interested in politics, because I think it's just too removed from my own life. If there's a war, though, or a disaster, I want to know what's happening.
It is impossible to practice parliamentary politics without having patience, decency, politeness and courtesy.
First and foremost, The Quiet Invasion is a first contact story. What would we do if we actually found evidence of alien life out there? It's also about politics.
Talk politics, talk about study and talk positively.
Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.
There is in fact no such thing as art for art's sake, art that stands above classes, art that is detached from or independent of politics. Proletarian literature and art are part of the whole proletarian revolutionary cause.
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry.
Liberalism is Rationalism in politics.
The way politics divides the world is into friend and enemy.
Politics is activity in relation to power.
To an intellectual who is adrift in politics, a theory is an aim; to a true politician his theory is a boundary.
Literature has to serve as a moral control of politics.
So the major obstacle to the development of new supplies is not geology but what happens above ground: international affairs, politics, investment and technology.
Love is blind. My politics has been, too. I think you can fall in love with ideas, and you can fall in love with people. It's a very subjective experience. And I'm loyal to that experience.
But I don't believe in organised politics, organised religion, organised music, organised anything.