You know, social issue movies don't make a lot of money.
I want to make movies that people talk about when they leave the theater, that aren't clear-cut, but effective and fulfilling in some sense.
There was a time - before I made movies - when I was more forgiving, but now that I've learned as much as I have, I want to do movies that I want to see, that have their own unique flavor.
All these horror movies are slasher film now. I like them, they're fun, but they wink at the audience and you're really not terrified through the movie.
I think there is a feeling of old Hitchcock in there. There are parts that are tributes to some of the old great horror movies and the old great filmmakers.
I mean, I kind of remember... I'm 36 now, so it's kind of hard for me to relate to what it was like when I was 25, or 24, but I do remember a period in time when that's how I defined who I was, by the music I listened to and the movies I went to.
Now I'm seen by more people in one episode than I was in 20 years of theatre and movies. It's gratifying to have an impact on 25 million people a night, but I can say goodbye to my lunch-pail life as a working actor. I'm scared I might be a celebrity.
We knew all along we were making a good show, so its success was not a surprise to me. What has surprised me is the magnitude of this show's success. More people see me now in one episode than saw me in 20 years of movies and theater!
My kids are old enough now that they can watch that, but I like to do the family movies.
In movies, you shoot out of sequence, so the issue of reality is really taken out of it.
Well I didn't actually see the Matrix but I've seen other movies where with similar sorts of themes.
In between, I go broke because I seem to do movies where you're not paid a lot as an actor.
I really love to make movies.
Well, look at all of these summer blockbusters. You can't help but laugh a little, because you've already seen a lot of these movies 482 times.
Well, I think that when you direct a movie or write it. And in the case of the two movies I did, I wrote and directed, they occupy a special place for you.