My major in college was Chinese Studies. It was very intentional.
Folk music was out there. Clubs were springing up and they were hot with the college kids.
In my college years, I worked as a union labor organizer. I was just one of the many workers trying to do my part to help the community.
I am a firm believer in education and have worked very hard to tell young Latinos that they must go to college and that, if possible, they should pursue an advanced degree. I am convinced that education is the great equalizer.
The presidents of colleges have to have some courage to step forward. You can't limit alcohol in college sports, you have to get rid of it.
My daughter is a freshman in college and my son is - well, our daughter and our son - is a sophomore in college. So they come home on selected weekends, they come home on vacations and they're home in the summer, although they have jobs.
Credit card companies pay college students generously to stand outside dining halls, dorms, and academic buildings and encourage their fellow students to apply for credit cards.
The Army War College has been a tradition in central Pennsylvania for years.
Life is the most exciting opportunity we have. But we have one shot. You graduate from college once, and that's it. You're going out of that nest. And you have to find that courage that's deep, deep, deep in there. Every step of the way.
If a young person has any idealism at all, it's strongest about the time he finishes college.
I can remember at college, living on 30-cent meals.
As far as I was concerned, the Depression was an ill wind that blew some good. If it hadn't occurred, my parents would have given me my college education. As it was, I had to scrabble for it.
We also knew it would be difficult, because of the financial condition of the family, for me to go to college.
I never went to college when I was young and am looking forward to giving it a try... at age 65!
I was so impressed with the work we were doing and I was very involved ideologically in photography - that I arranged an exhibition at the College Art Association. The first exhibition I picked the photographs and so on and we had an exhibition in New York.