The biggest labor problem is tomorrow.
To be born woman is to know - although they do not speak of it at school - women must labor to be beautiful.
We hear of the wealth of nations, of the powers of production, of the demand and supply of markets, and we forget that these words mean no more, if they mean any thing, then the happiness, and the labor, and the necessities of men.
It will appear evident upon attentive consideration that equality of intellectual and physical advantages is the only sure foundation of liberty, and that such equality may best, and perhaps only, be obtained by a union of interests and cooperation in labor.
The monarchy is a labor intensive industry.
The unproductive tillage of human cattle takes that which of right belongs to free labor, and which is necessary for the support and happiness of our own race.
An artist is not paid for his labor but for his vision.
The only hope of socialism resides in those who have already brought about in themselves, as far as is possible in the society of today, that union between manual and intellectual labor which characterizes the society we are aiming at.
Let us not forget that the cultivation of the earth is the most important labor of man. When tillage begins, other arts will follow. The farmers, therefore, are the founders of civilization.
He who tampers with the currency robs labor of its bread.
Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire, called conscience.
Dignify and glorify common labor. It is at the bottom of life that we must begin, not at the top.
The thing I don't understand is why so often one hears discussion of the fruits of human labor as if it's all the creation of some alien race.
I doing casual labor by the day. They wouldn't pay you until the next morning. There was a bar that would cash your check if you bought a beer first. A lot of guys never left until they'd drunk up all their money.
We're taking on Social Security as a property rights issue. We figure that every single American has an absolute property right interest in the fruits of his or her own labor. What I work for should be my property.