But even with a character like Cary who is relatively outlandish, at the end of the movie he's in a place where I wouldn't have expected him to be - taking on the responsibility of a woman who is pregnant and who used to be his best friend's wife.
I loved playing Go Go, because the character's so extreme. And she's pretty close to my real character. Especially the fact that she liked her sword with a lot of accessories.
My character is somebody who is smaller in stature and yet who's strong, so to see the fighting situations between people who are not generally thought of being strong is in itself unusual and therefore interesting, I think.
Have not prisons - which kill all will and force of character in man, which enclose within their walls more vices than are met with on any other spot of the globe - always been universities of crime?
The film was made in 1973. It was a golden time for people to experiment without risking, for example, AIDS. Today one has to be so much more careful and I don't think a character like that could exist now.
George Liquor is really the richest character I have. I'm amazed there aren't 365 episodes about him on TV already.
I find it very hard to sit down and create an idea or especially a new character on command. Usually my characters evolve by accident out of some story context.
The only character I ever remember actually creating in a flash of inspiration was George Liquor. God planted that in my head in an instant.
Every two years the American politics industry fills the airwaves with the most virulent, scurrilous, wall-to-wall character assassination of nearly every political practitioner in the country - and then declares itself puzzled that America has lost trust in its politicians.
I am convinced, the way one plays chess always reflects the player's personality. If something defines his character, then it will also define his way of playing.
There were some things that I found I really enjoyed singing about; like, on the title track, there's this film-noir character of a woman who's sort of losing it in a room.
Sometimes I can't get out of the character because the story is very intense.
Readers will stay with an author, no matter what the variations in style and genre, as long as they get that sense of story, of character, of empathetic involvement.
I'm always looking for a low-budget script with an interesting character to play.
Prison make you a better judge of character. You pick up on people much faster.