If I think too much about all of those Chinese factories where all the stuff in a Wal-Mart is made, I get that woozy feeling you get when you see ducks covered in crude oil.
If nothing else, we simply get used to being alive.
If our subconscious was attractive, we wouldn't have to bury it down deep within us.
If someone decides to be a musician now, it means because there is no hope of money at the end of it, it means they really want to be a musician. And if someone is writing now, there is no hope for money at the end of it.
If you don't change, then what's the point of anything happening to you?
If you don't have a spiritual practice in place when times are good, you can't expect to suddenly develop one during a moment of crisis.
If cats were double the size they are now, they'd probably be illegal.