The Companion of Honour I regarded as an award from the country for 50 years of work - which I thought was okay.
I mean, don't forget the earth's about five thousand million years old, at least. Who can afford to live in the past?
During 65 years, I have walked the path of duty and discipline... And today, looking back at that long path of service, my soldier's heart stirs and murmurs from deep within: Thank you. Thank you, my homeland.
For the first few years we paid all the bills first and divided what was left as salary. Sometimes that was $50 a week.
During the first 3 years at Auschwitz, 2 million people died; over the next 2 years - 3 million.
It was in New York, and I've always wanted to film in New York. And the writer was a teenage friend of mine. We did youth theatre together when we were 16 and always had a dream of making a film together. And ten years later, we've done it. So it's great.
I asked my doctor how many more years I have left and he said, 'You're too ornery to die.'
Those seven years in the cloister were the key to my life.
I don't remember any sibling rivalry growing up, because by the time I was really conscious, Tom was going away to college. My relationship with him, which is a very close one, really developed in more recent years.
I was like a kept woman during my twenty-one years at MGM.
I was forced to live far beyond my years when just a child, now I have reversed the order and I intend to remain young indefinitely.
In recent years, research into the prevention and treatment of arthritis has led to measures that successfully reduce pain and improve the quality of life for millions.
It took me four years to paint like Raphael, but a lifetime to paint like a child.
When I was in first grade, everyone made fun of my name, of course. I think it's kind of a big name to hold up when you're nine years old. It seemed goofy. I used to tell people I wanted to change the world and they used to think, 'This kid's really weird'.
It took me a long time to get selected as an astronaut. In fact, I applied for 20 years before I was selected.