You only have a few years to play this game and you can't play it if you're all tied up in knots.
The band I've played with for 10 or 12 years now, we've been all over, but we mostly play in LA.
The great advantage to labor arising out of co-operative effort has been apparent to me for many years.
I've been doing Tai Chi on and off for 20 years. The fundamentals of all martial arts are the same.
I could have made money this way, and perhaps amused myself writing code. But I knew that at the end of my career, I would look back on years of building walls to divide people, and feel I had spent my life making the world a worse place.
There were a lot of drugs. We kinda just passed the time that way. For a couple of years we were all doin' anything we could get our hands on.
I had four or five years in school training as a soprano. I fell into pop singing because of economics. I got out of high school and had to go work, and they weren't hiring opera singers.
I grew up years ago doing something that unfortunately doesn't hardly exist any more, a medium called Radio.
So I don't really believe that how many years you've had in the league determines how well your players play... Coaching is coaching.
Obviously my last two years in the NFL were not much fun at all.
In the early years, I found a voice that was my voice and also partly my father's voice. But isn't that what you always do? Why do kids at 5 years old go into the closet and put their daddy's shoes on? Hey, my kids do it.
I tend to be a subscriber to the idea that you have everything you need by the time you're 12 years old to do interesting writing for most of the rest of your life - certainly by the time you're 18.
I've been writing songs since I was 14 years old, and that's my true love.
I believe we've spent many years trying to bring about talks which have all the Parties in Northern Ireland involved so that there'd be inclusive talks.
It... is the best opportunity we've had in the last 25 years to bring about a settlement in Northern Ireland, and I think we should leave no stone unturned to achieve that.