Radical conservatives want to police bedrooms.
It is very easy to make clear what you want a film to say, but I did not wish to engage in overt propaganda, even for the right cause. I wanted to create an experience through the films, something where people could have the freedom of their own response to them.
You've got to give loyalty down, if you want loyalty up.
You can't very well live in a castle while your kin is on the poor side of town and barely have enough food. Some want you to get to the top and rely on you making it for them, too.
I believe in love at first sight. You want that connection, and then you want some problems.
You want to play another kind of character in another genre, and it's been something I've been trying to do if I can in the career so far, and it's something I hope to continue because it's interesting to me and you get to do different things as an actor.
When I don't feel free and can't do what I want I just react. I go against it.
We want to be a place where, and when there's no place else, you can turn us on and know that He's there, He cares, and He's going to do something about it.
So whatever it is you want, need or desire or just like to have, you better try to get it now, 'cause this is the only time there is.
Congress seems to want to cure every ill known to man except unconstitutional government and high taxes.
I'm an artist and that means I can be as egotistical as I want to be.
There's only X amount of time. You can do whatever you want with that time. It's your time.
I want to play until the end.
I don't want to be famous famous. I'm happy on the second tier, where I have autonomy on a professional level but I can still go out to the movies without being recognized.
I didn't get into this to pick up a new hobby. I don't want to just be a golfer. I want to be the best.