As a dad, he thinks that his philosophy is morally correct. He has no conscience whatsoever about letting his kids put a penny in a light socket to find out electricity is not so good for you, and if you want to learn how to swim, you have to be thrown into the deep end.
It was Christopher's brilliant concept that he did not want this to become like every other sitcom where you do one take, and the audience gets bored with seeing it ten times, you know, over and over again.
I want to thank the Academy for its courage and generosity.
Toby not being there doesn't bother me, I mean I can work with anybody as long as we get along and as long as they've got an understanding of what I want and what I'm aiming for. To start with, when he left, it was difficult.
Nowadays they either want to move the film to Canada or in some cases they go to Prague or Romania or they want to keep 'em down in L.A.
The kind of doctor I want is one who when he's not examining me is home studying medicine.
I just want real reactions. I want people to laugh from the gut, be sad from the gut-or get angry from the gut.
I am sure the majority of Iranians want a peace agreement with Israel and want Iran to integrate with the international community and accept its universal values.
About the only other thing I'd want would be a wider neck. My fingers are so fat that sometimes I deaden the string next to the one I'm fretting.
Well, first I'd want a better vibrato.
Ukraine had quite serious impact on the many Russians. They could see that ordinary people in Ukraine which is a bordering state, very close to Russia, the people of this state are, they didn't want to tolerate anymore the power abuse by Ukrainian officials.
I may play some exhibition games so I don't want to quit the game of chess completely. I just decided and it's a firm decision not to play competitive chess anymore.
I didn't really want to do another sequel. I go to those movies, and I just sort of enjoy them like a viewer.
I want everything I do to have humor in it, because it seems to me that all of life has that.
I mean, I really liked those guys and the experience of doing Raiders was really good for me, but I did not really want to be involved - I only did Jedi, as I really owed George a favor.