Life is the desert, life the solitude, death joins us to the great majority.
In our so-called democracy we are accustomed to give the majority what they want rather than educate them to understand what is best for them.
The large majority of the Negroes who have put on the finishing touches of our best colleges are all but worthless in the development of their people.
That settled Abraham Lincoln with me. I was thoroughly satisfied that no such man ought to be President; but I could not yet conceive it possible that such a monster would be the choice of a majority of the people for President.
Most of our ancestors were not perfect ladies and gentlemen. The majority of them weren't even mammals.
What is morality in any given time or place? It is what the majority then and there happen to like and immorality is what they dislike.
The vast majority of English folk cannot and will not consider a picture as a picture, apart from any story which it may be supposed to tell.
I dare say that a majority of the American people think that having a fair hearing on an issue of importance in our relations with Mexico is extremely important to our national interest, as well as theirs.
In 1972, I got my first electric bass and started playing the kind of instrument I play now. I found that the majority of musicians couldn't bear that. They are not used to listening to the bass because they think the bass is in the background to support them.
This friend of mine said he was surprised to find that - I don't think it's quite a majority - a bigger percentage of actors are introverts than extroverts. It was a big surprise to him. Now, I know me, and I'll do anything if I'm playing a character. Or anything that's true to the character, anyway. But in real life I'm a little more withdrawn.
Historically, the judicial branch has often been the sole protector of the rights of minority groups against the will of the popular majority.
Certainly in the modern age where everything is glossed over, when somebody speaks their mind, the majority of the public go, I'd love to have said that.
I am convinced that the majority of people would be generous from selfish motives, if they had the opportunity.
Mostly, I was only interested in television as a kid, and the majority of reading material I collected was an adjunct to that central concern, comic books and magazines included.
I happened to be one of those who thought all these expenses necessary, and I had the good fortune to have the majority of both houses of Parliament on my side.