When I sing I don't feel like it's me. I feel I am fabulous, like I'm 10 feet tall. I am the greatest. I am the strongest. I am Samson. I'm whoever I want to be.
Often something comes in from which you can see that the person is good, the book may not be perfect as it is, and the person doesn't want to do a re-write. That's something we do almost nothing of.
I want to bring passengers on my airplanes to present to them my product.
Now I do bowling, golf, and tennis. I want to be a good bowler.
Wong Kar Wai is a very intense character, very personable, and I believe in general he does not like and he would not want his actors to show their true looks and their true personality on screen.
Don't you want to know what's real and what's not? I remember when I was a kid, you know, this whole Cold War thing. They had us scared of the Russians. So, it's almost like, what's real and what's not?
I wouldn't want anyone to destroy the earth.
I was working straight for nine months and I'm exhausted. I'm ready to relax for a little while and read. I don't want to work for work sake; I have to be excited about it.
Neoclassical economics insists that advertising cannot force consumers to buy anything they don't already want to buy.
In our society, daily experience teaches the individual to want and need a never-ending supply of new toys and drugs.
Those who want to divide the workers have resorted to the foulest methods.
If you want to be found stand where the seeker seeks.
Why in the world would anyone want to photograph an old woman like me?
It's just a matter of hitting the ball where I want to hit it and hopefully making some putts.
Wherever we play golf, people come out here to get autographs. They obviously come out to watch us play and see us in action, but they also want to interact with us.