If you want my opinion, I say that this is a state based on occupation, that has usurped the rights of others.
If you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money so that you won't have to work.
People who have what they want are fond of telling people who haven't what they want that they really don't want it.
With Crosby, Stills, and Nash and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young... we're very strong individuals, and we want our lives to be led the way we want them to.
If you don't want to be there, it shows in the energy that you put out and in your actions.
We want to get this good music to as many people as possible because I think it heals, it soothes, I think music is incredibly important, especially in today's chaos.
Well, you know, the violence is mostly in Mexico itself, at least the violence that people are worried about. And so we want to make sure that violence does not spill over into our communities that are along the border.
To be a leader, you have to make people want to follow you, and nobody wants to follow someone who doesn't know where he is going.
I want to question what the outside is and who defines it. I often find those that are considered to be on the outside extremely inspiring.
Oh, we want a new breed of men before India can be cleansed of her disease.
We want deeper sincerity of motive, a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action.
I want to present interesting stories that don't qualify themselves just by virtue of their ethnographic type.
The loneliness is when you pick up and move, even if you are not originally from that place, and you have some memories that you want to embrace. Having a life in transit, I feel like you are always looking out the back window.
At times those skills were really hard to do because not only was I having to contend with the camera, but I was having to learn these new skills and the ball was always kind of doing what you didn't want it to do. So it got a little bit frustrating at times but we got there.
But it's a very universal story and the thing is I was reluctant to answer that question because I don't want people latching on to a particular stereotype.