I've been trying to pick up painting but it's hard.
I'm trying my hand at writing. I'm writing a couple of projects for HBO, a half hour comedy and a miniseries.
I'm trying to die correctly, but it's very difficult, you know.
The house a woman creates is a Utopia. She can't help it - can't help trying to interest her nearest and dearest not in happiness itself but in the search for it.
A novel, in the end, is a container, a shape which you are trying to pour your story into.
The Jews are trying to destroy all other cultures - as a survival mechanism - the only Nazi country in the world is Israel.
The rest of us are still trying to find ways to live in the world with spirit-ual values. Myself included. We've learned certain skills, we've learned to prevail somewhat, but we've not made it over the mountain.
Poets deal in writing about feelings and trying to find the language and images for intense feelings.
Like the sand and the oyster, it's a creative irritant. In each poem, I'm trying to reveal a truth, so it can't have a fictional beginning.
I ate a bug once. It was flying around me. I was trying to get it away. It went right in my mouth. It was so gross!
Trying to predict the future is like trying to drive down a country road at night with no lights while looking out the back window.
I'd rather deal with Tipper than Bush. He's trying to kill everybody in jail.
The Yale group was doing the Harold. So by our senior year we were trying to do the Harold. Again, we had no idea what we were doing. We had one guy in the group who was pretty experimental; he would kind of push us to do weird things. It was really fun, a great experience.
I was kind of like chasing my tail and trying to do the right thing, and was a little bit stupid. Or irresponsible, which is the same thing I guess. It's just been really busy and I had a lot of great opportunities.
I loved it, it's such fun. I like that people are seeing it and then talking about it. Like when I took my son and his friends to see Napoleon Dynamite last year, we spent the next six weeks trying to explain it.