When you have got an elephant by the hind legs and he is trying to run away, it's best to let him run.
But I've been there and done that. I'm not trying to prove anything to anybody, and if somebody wants me to come, if they can afford what I ask, it's not as much as Madonna makes; not that I want what Madonna makes, but I was saying.
The gay community just recognizes what their closets are and we straight have to spend years trying to figure out which closet we are trapped in.
The foreign press seems obsessed with the Freedom Tower, as if it was the only thing going on here. In fact, we're trying to keep a huge juggling act in balance, with the tower as just one of the many balls in play.
I quit therapy because my analyst was trying to help me behind my back.
I did though at least expect him to correct the false statements he made when he was trying to protect the Presidency. Instead, he talked about it as though I had laid it all out there for the taking. I was the buffet and he just couldn't resist the dessert.
So I think it's - what was important to me is that I found that I can't change the fact that people already have made an opinion about me. But I don't think that should stop me from trying to correct some of the misperceptions that are out there.
No man was ever eloquent by trying to be eloquent, but only by being so.
I'm just trying to make a smudge on the collective unconscious.
So I started to learn Russian and I was one of those probably way too eager, annoying young actor kids who was trying to change all my lines to Russian, much to the dismay of the director and Nic Cage.
Of course, we didn't survive to play all the way through the '90s, so I can say that - as I said, everybody in the band was aware of this, and we trying to figure out ways to make it different.
The file is a gzipped tar file. Your browser is playing tricks with you and trying to be smart.
I spend my time trying to figure art out. I was brought up to believe that the way one processes information is by making it into art. That's how I live my life.
Putting out commercial pieces and promoting them and trying to sell them to people is not necessarily what it means to be an artist.
I'm not that in control of myself that I could be specific about exactly the way I'm doing everything as it happens. I'm just trying my best.