This inevitability of conflict motivates us today and echoes the reminder that freedom is not given away and our national security is not achieved without sacrifice.
I do not believe that the Social Security system is in crisis. The Social Security Administration itself recently reported that the system is able to pay full benefits as they are defined today until at least 2042.
And yet 50 percent of the kids who start high school in the United States today do not finish high school.
Well, I go to the theater today, and its curtain - there is no curtain in this play; the lights go down and go up - and we start. And I live this character for two hours. There are only two of us in the play. And It's a complete experience.
I just think that fiction that isn't exploring what it means to be human today isn't art.
There are seven winners of the Monaco Grand Prix on the starting line today, and four of them are Michael Schumacher.
The Word of fire burns today On the lips of our prophets in an evil age.
I'd usually read the Bible a lot. Read little short Bible stories. And today, whenever I give speeches, I bring up a few of those Bible stories, because those are inspirations to me.
If I had to come up with something that just came to me, I think growing up in a small town, I want knowledge. I still think today, knowledge is one of the keys.
That person has to be accountable for himself. I think that's what we have to do in society today is to be accountable for yourself. I think we have the tendency to always want to live someone else's life.
For in the end, freedom is a personal and lonely battle; and one faces down fears of today so that those of tomorrow might be engaged.
You see, every creature alive on the earth today represents an unbroken line of life that stretches back to the first primitive organism to appear on this planet; and that is about three billion years.
The world is very different today than it was in 1968.
With the Internet, kids today learn things quicker than we do and they have everything there is to see, so you have to do more than just remake some old '70s film.
The big and the fast beat the small and the fast. If you check out the NBA today, they're big and fast.