Today nearly every combat brigade located within the United States would report that they are not ready for duty. They are at the lowest levels of readiness.
Today is you own. Tomorrow perchance may never come.
Today, the rich bottom land of the Misssissippi is under water and no foreign land has sent a dollar to help.
I am involved with politics today because of the inspiration I received from Ronald Reagan.
I do not purpose to discuss faith in its dogmatic sense today.
The American citizen must be made aware that today a relatively small group of people is proclaiming its purposes to be the will of the People. That elitist approach to government must be repudiated.
America's veterans and troops serving abroad today fought hard to preserve our red, white and blue, from the Revolutionary War to today's Global War Against Terrorism, and Congress' action today is appropriate for one of our most sacred symbols.
Especially today as we fight the war on terror - against an enemy that represents hatred, extremism and stands behind no flag - we need to remember the sacrifices that have gone into protecting our flag.
Even in today's opera world, the position of the black tenor is problematic.
I earn and pay my own way as a great many women do today.
The serious problems facing the world today will never be solved until women are able to use their full potential on behalf of themselves, their families, and their global and local communities, as the World Bank and others have discovered.
The magnificent army that fought in Desert Storm is a great army, and it still is a magnificent army today. But it was one we designed for the Cold War, and the Cold War has been over for ten years now.
The money is in a different league these days, of course, but I have special memories of the 60s and 70s which players today don't have. There wasn't the same celebrity attitude and media exposure. We had a bit more freedom.
Practically all the prominent leaders of thought in China today are openly agnostics and even atheists.
I'm sure that was the right step, even though, formally speaking, it may seem disadvantageous for a president to resign. But, looking into what is happening today and what is going to happen in the future, I think history will show I made the right decision.