When I was 12 years old, someone took me to see Martha Graham. It was nothing like what I thought of as serious dancing and even then I knew I was having a great experience. It was as if somebody was moving through space like no one ever did before.
If you want to make an audience laugh, you dress a man up like an old lady and push her down the stairs. If you want to make comedy writers laugh, you push an actual old lady down the stairs.
When the Domaine Musical started up, I wasn't part of it. They were the major players in contemporary music at that time, braodcasting old and new composers' work. And I wasn't one of them.
And the Blue Angels are coming back to scare the local population. I remember seeing old Vietnamese women ducking under the benches in Washington Square; they thought they were back in the war.
Being an old maid is like death by drowning, a really delightful sensation after you cease to struggle.
Cinema is an old whore, like circus and variety, who knows how to give many kinds of pleasure. Besides, you can't teach old fleas new dogs.
Any man who makes a speech more than six times a year is bound to repeat himself, not because he has little to say, but because he wants applause and the old stuff gets it.
The philosophy behind much advertising is based on the old observation that every man is really two men - the man he is and the man he wants to be.
In this case, I realize that, unlike when I was 22 years old, I realize now that football will not go on forever, it is a small part of your life.
If a writer has to rob his mother, he will not hesitate: The "Ode on a Grecian Urn" is worth any number of old ladies.
You should approach Joyce's Ulysses as the illiterate Baptist preacher approaches the Old Testament: with faith.
No one on this Earth knows how old I am.
I think God just died of old age. And, when I realized that he wasn't any more, it didn't shock me. It seemed natural and right!
I'd like to be a geneticist to be honest, but there are limits to what I can do now. For my dream to come true I'd have to be 20 years old again, heading off to a blue chip university.
Bruce Sutter has been around for a while and he's pretty old. He's thirty-five years old, that will give you some idea of how old he is.