I was in the movies. I danced, I sang, I learned to work in front of a camera. It was like being in a repertory company.
When I can't sleep, I'll start thinking about how many shows I've done, count up the number of television shows and movies.
If audiences are sort of interested in movies that are made like McDonald's hamburgers, which do have a value in the world, then we have to re-evaluate our entire career.
We've always loved going to the movies. Our mom and dad are big movie fans. They'd take us on these movie orgys where we'd see sometimes three movies in a day.
I loved that these two guys argued with each other as if movies actually mattered. Nobody I knew talked about movies that way, but Siskel and Ebert took each movie as it came and talked about whether it was a success on its own terms.
My dad's sense of humor was direct and sometimes surreal - his quick wit is well known amongst our family and friends. He raised me on Spike Jones records and W.C. Fields movies, and his sense of humor fell somewhere in between.
I write screenplays that don't get made and pilots that don't get picked up, and I re-write other people's movies, and those are all different kinds of fees.
I think I am too old to be doing teen movies. I am just kind of annoyed, because you have all these teen movies coming out with usually either Lindsay Lohan or Hilary Duff doing four of the exact teen movies over and over again.
I think movies glamorize violence, in the sense that they make it in a way that it's either cool or funny.
People just want to watch movies that are entertaining, it doesn't matter what genre it is.
It's a juggernaut, yeah... but I'm not phased by making movies.
I'm an actor. And I guess I've done so many movies I've achieved some high visibility. But a star? I guess I still think of myself as kind of a worker ant.
I would rather do movies because I'm very lazy and the hours are much easier.
I haven't sold to the movies. In other words, I haven't gotten any enormous checks yet.
It's kind of like family. I can't say that we go out to lunch and to the movies every day with each other. Everyone's fully grown adult women with lives.