Fondly we think we honor merit then, When we but praise ourselves in other men.
Fools admire, but men of sense approve.
Men would be angels, angels would be gods.
Some old men, continually praise the time of their youth. In fact, you would almost think that there were no fools in their days, but unluckily they themselves are left as an example.
The most positive men are the most credulous.
Not to go back is somewhat to advance, and men must walk, at least, before they dance.
Pride is still aiming at the best houses: Men would be angels, angels would be gods. Aspiring to be gods, if angels fell; aspiring to be angels men rebel.
If you deny that any principles of conduct at all are common to and admitted by all men who try to behave reasonably - well, I don't see how you can have any ethics or any ethical background for law.
Admittedly, the body of scientists, as a whole, does uphold the authority of science over the lay public. It controls thereby also the process by which young men are trained to become members of the scientific profession.
I've said this before, that, when you're in school and you're the class clown, men are really good at making fun at other people and women are really good at making fun of themselves.
A strong argument for the religion of Christ is this - that offences against Charity are about the only ones which men on their death-beds can be made - not to understand - but to feel - as crime.
I'd hopefully work through all my issues with men first so then I'd be okay being with a woman.
Old men do it better. We're not so sensitive in certain areas.
Each of us, face to face with other men, is clothed with some sort of dignity, but we know only too well all the unspeakable things that go on in the heart.
Conservation means the wise use of the earth and its resources for the lasting good of men.