We are all, right now, living the life we choose.
To the degree we're not living our dreams, our comfort zone has more control of us than we have over ourselves.
Maintaining healthy forests is essential to those who make a living from the land and for those of us who use them for recreational purposes.
So we're living by that sword, and we're going to cut every now and then from it's backlash.
One of the effects of living with electric information is that we live habitually in a state of information overload. There's always more than you can cope with.
Television brought the brutality of war into the comfort of the living room. Vietnam was lost in the living rooms of America - not on the battlefields of Vietnam.
Society honors its living conformists and its dead troublemakers.
I made some friends who are still friends, and this is the city of my birth. I love living here when there's a reason to, other than just moving here. I still don't like the winters here, but it's an amazing city and I love it.
Men may yearn for peace, cry for peace, and work for peace, but there will be no peace until they follow the path pointed out by the Living Christ. He is the true light of men's lives.
The most important phase of living with a person is respect for that person as an individual.
At the end of the day, whether or not those people are comfortable with how you're living your life doesn't matter. What matters is whether you're comfortable with it.
I think every parent, every generation has wanted their children to do better and have a higher standard of living. But I think there's too much guilt.
TV tends to look for the living equivalents of squeaky-clean Kens and Barbies, but with my dial I'm more like Ken's dirty old uncle.
True education is limited to those people who would die without knowing, whereas the masses in the institutions are merely going through the motions, for education is a way of living.
I'd actually been making my living as an organist with bands since I was probably 15 or 16 years old, and then as a senior in high school I put together a jazz quintet called The Bobby Mack Jazz Quintet.