After two world wars, the collapse of fascism, nazism, communism and colonialism and the end of the cold war, humanity has entered a new phase of its history.
With God's help and guidance, we shall soon see the end of this most unpleasant chapter in our history.
I knew German history well, and out of my experiences in the rest of the world I believed to know the German kind; therefore I never doubted that, although for the time being all indications were against it, one day a change would come.
If we insist that public life be reserved for those whose personal history is pristine, we are not going to get paragons of virtue running our affairs. We will get the very rich, who contract out the messy things in life the very dull, who have nothing to hide and nothing to show and the very devious, expert at covering their tracks and ambitious enough to risk their discovery.
I look back into past history, the stored experiences or products of the imagination. I look no further forward than the evening.
History is a tool used by politicians to justify their intentions.
Out of Coltrane's whole history, there are things which I think are great from all the periods.
Politics can be relatively fair in the breathing spaces of history; at its critical turning points there is no other rule possible than the old one, that the end justifies the means.
The most persistent sound which reverberates through man's history is the beating of war drums.
I went back and researched the history of gospel; where it came from, slavery times, communicating with each other without their master knowing what they are saying, and that gospel artists view themselves differently.
The Labour Party's election manifesto is the longest suicide note in history.
Based on history the expectations are simply the highest, it kind of could become a burden for you or it could be something that you are really proud of, you know so I take the second one.
My early education was in the public school system of Omaha, where, retrospectively, I realize that my high school training served me in good stead for the basic subjects of mathematics, English, foreign languages and history.
Throughout history, great leaders have known the power of humor.
Most foreign policies that history has marked highly, in whatever country, have been originated by leaders who were opposed by experts.