I think it's a little early to tell what the economic impact will be. This year our cattle prices have been particularly high. The demand for beef has remained strong in this country, even though there was the single find in Canada earlier this year.
Actually, in this instance we do have probably a better tracking system than was the instance in Canada. Because this is a dairy cow, they're all individually tagged.
The demand for beef in Canada remains strong because I think people in America, in North America, know that we have a very strong food safety system and that our food is safe to eat.
Canada will be a strong country when Canadians of all provinces feel at home in all parts of the country, and when they feel that all Canada belongs to them.
We wish nothing more, but we will accept nothing less. Masters in our own house we must be, but our house is the whole of Canada.
The number of people who left for the United states and Canada increased with every year.
Americans know as much about Canada as straight people do about gays. Americans arrive at the border with skis in July, and straight people think that being gay is just a phase. A very long phase.
Licences to have babies incidentally is something that I got in trouble for some years ago for suggesting even in Canada that this might be necessary at some point, at least some restriction on the right to have a child.
At the first general meeting of this Corporation in 1820, his Lordship presided; a circumstance, which may well be considered an era in the history of the Church of Upper Canada.
The Legislature of Lower Canada, consisting chiefly of Roman Catholics, could hardly be expected to support a church which they were taught to consider heretical, and in Upper Canada the scanty means at the disposal of the Government, precluded all hope.
An uncle of mine emigrated to Canada and couldn't take his guitar with him. When I found it in the attic, I'd found a friend for life.
I've been to Canada, and I've always gotten the impression that I could take the country over in about two days.
Canada is currently the only major industrialized country in the world that does not allow any private administration of health care services that are provided by the public system.
I don't think I would be getting any of these movies without that show, and that's a strong show, a great fan base and it's helped me out a lot. It took me out of Canada and brought me down to the states and gave me my career basically.
I think Canada, our industry is still somewhat based in America's industry.