A work of art when placed in a gallery loses its charge, and becomes a portable object or surface disengaged from the outside world.
A vacant white room with lights is still a submission to the neutral. Works of art seen in such spaces seem to be going through a kind of esthetic convalescence.
I am for an art that takes into account the direct effect of the elements as they exist from day to day apart from representation.
In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.
It's often difficult for us to act compassionately, but sacred art eases the difficulty by ennobling us.
Art is expression, and to have high expression you must have something high to express.
There is a spell in mediaeval Art which has had power to bewitch some people into trying, or wishing to try, or fancying that they wish to try or making believe to fancy that they wish to try, to bring back the Middle Ages.
There are people who claim to be instinctive cooks, who never follow recipes or weigh anything at all. All I can say is they're not very fussy about what they eat. For me, cooking is an exact art and not some casual game.
Art does imitate life, it has to come from somewhere. To put boundaries and limitations on it doesn't make a lot of sense to me.
Country and western is ignored by the intellectuals. They don't look at it as an art form. They think it's just somebody sitting on his couch singing about his life.
I am one of those unhappy persons who inspire bores to the greatest flights of art.
At the same time, of course, Marxism arose - Rosa Luxembourg, Leninism, anarchism - and art became political.
In the 19th century, you had bourgeois art without politics - an almost frozen idea of what beauty is.
So slowly in my mind formed the idea of melodrama, a form I found to perfection in American pictures. They were naive, they were that something completely different. They were completely Art-less.
The war was the end of an era, in art as well. And we were trying to create a new philosophy.