Cheyenne Autumn was received not too successfully. I still think it was a very good movie. It was kinda Ford's apology for the way he had treated Indians in his past pictures.
I am here today to again apologize for the personal mistakes I have made and the embarrassment I have caused. I make this apology to my neighbors and my constituents, but I make it particularly to my wife, Huma.
First off, I'm not a scientist, and I make no apology for that.
I want to express my deepest apology to the athletes, the people of Salt Lake City in Utah and the millions of citizens worldwide who love and respect the games.
An apology might help, but you can change your life without one.
An apology? Bah! Disgusting! Cowardly! Beneath the dignity of any gentleman, however wrong he might be.
We inadvertently bombed the Chinese Embassy. But Clinton now is working very hard. He has sent a letter of apology to the Chinese. And, he's also given them a gift certificate for future nuclear secrets.
If God doesn't destroy Hollywood Boulevard, he owes Sodom and Gomorrah an apology.
I got bad calls every match, and I never got an apology. So I thought it was rather strange.
Friends are God's apology for relations.
A hero is someone we can admire without apology.
Apology is only egotism wrong side out.
My singing voice is somewhere between a drunken apology and a plumbing problem.
I don't ask for an apology because it's only tomorrow's fish-and-chip paper.
A stiff apology is a second insult... The injured party does not want to be compensated because he has been wronged; he wants to be healed because he has been hurt.