I can get whatever I want to eat and when you, you know, you forget to eat you sometimes pick up fast food.
I mean, on the television, I've got to continue to be Star Jones Reynolds. And I enjoy that. But in my real life, I'm a wife now. You can't really be bossy when you're married.
I want the big drama. I always said I don't want a wedding I want a parade.
I want people to make the same choice I made to get healthy.
Not really in all honesty because until you take control of your own health and go to your own doctor and have your own doctor tell you what's going to work for you.
I was in the middle of a crossroads, which is a nice way of saying crisis, physically, emotionally and spiritually. You know the physical part. We just talked about it.
Barbara did the selecting and that's probably the most brilliant thing was she put together a group of women, different backgrounds, different experiences.
I'm fairly in tune with what's private with my husband and with me.
I felt good full figured. Morbidly obese I was unhealthy and dying.
I found that nothing that anybody else said to me would work.
I guess the President says the majority of the people didn't elect him, he doesn't have to listen to 'em anyway.
I had started losing weight. I mean he didn't know anything about the journey that I was on at that point obviously but from my highest weight of just over 300 pounds I lost about 45 pounds.
I realized that in those nine seasons I started out at about 225 pounds and I felt, you know, full figured fabulous woman but in those seasons I gained 75 pounds up to over 300 pounds all in front of the nation.
And I tried it and I felt, I guess I must have been pulled in by the red light of television and now I've been on TV since 1992.
Yes, I know and then in the same time period within those nine years I lost 150 pounds.