We will have to continue to improve our human intelligence system-something that was, unfortunately, lacking in the years which led up to September 11. This is going to be a continuing process of change.
It worries me about our unwillingness to really address reforms and modernization in Medicare. This thing was designed 37 years ago. It has not evolved to keep pace with current medical technology.
I'm 31 years old and I want to be part of a championship team before my career is over.
But ultimately what I was impressed by during my years in government was how much the intellectual climate and the prevailing intellectual notions constrained and represented the universe within which the discourse took place.
It accumulates over the years and I've led so many bands of my own now and forced myself into new situations... You would hope that you play better and better - until you just get too feeble to do it anymore.
I haven't really been recording in the last several years. I haven't wanted to. And even though I had to deal with Sony and now I'm on Universal again, I will probably put out a new record soon.
I'm friends with Hank Azaria. We were on a show together 800 years ago, and we laugh every single time.
I was only in LA for two weeks when I got that job. And I didn't work again for two years.
I never had a Christmass at home for about 10 years.
I didn't even recall being on the DB sessions until Herbie Flowers reminded me a couple of years ago.
The best 45 years of my life were the 5 years I spent with Ton Jones.
I do not believe that I have had an interview with anybody in twenty-five years in which the person to whom I was talking was not annoyed during the early part of the interview by my asking stupid questions.
For years, I thought I simply didn't dream. I felt left out. Everybody else had a thing I didn't have.
All I'm asking for is the law that's been on the books for the last 33 years, no public funding for abortion. We are both saying the same thing, pro-life, pro-choice. Let's find the language that works for both of us so we can pass health care.
Because I gave myself - I left school after the second semester of my junior year to pursue a career in music. and I gave myself five years to make it and I made it in three.