Our music over the years has been very cinematic. It's surprising we never really got into film soundtracks.
Actually, the funny thing is, after all these years, I've got all these new songs to learn for the show we're doing at Joe's Pub, so it's kind of fun to get down and rehearse new things, and also rethink some of the older songs, how we're going to do them.
You know, Quincy Jones was a great mentor, but he was a man in a man's world. Fortunately he's a very sensitive man and a beautiful human being, and even though he was 14 or 15 years older than me, he's a capable human being and has great communication skills.
As I have said for many years throughout this land, we're borrowing money from China to buy oil from the Persian Gulf to burn it in ways that destroy the future of human civilization. Every bit of that has to change.
I just think that playing bass, like punk rock bass with a pick, wasn't meant to be done for 25 years.
I had admired Richard Burton for years and years before I had ever worked with him. He was a great, great actor. It was a joy to get to know him as a person.
It's certainly not just a spot opinion; it's something that obviously has been building up for years. It is also very good for publicity, and it is the kind of recognition that maybe will help financially, also.
I had the idea for the show like a year and a half, two years ago. And it was all about the things that I didn't like about TV. I was trying to create a positive solution for it. And it actually worked.
I've learned in my years as a journalist that when a politician says 'That's ridiculous' you're probably on the right track.
We have indeed been fortunate in this country. Over the last 200 some odd years since our Nation was founded, rarely have there been attacks upon our homeland.
In my almost ten years in the House of Representatives, I have voted consistently to allow companies to drill for oil and natural gas in environmentally friendly ways.
Barbarism is needed every four or five hundred years to bring the world back to life. Otherwise it would die of civilization.
I've had my ring since I was 12 years old. But for me it's not something I want to go around saying, 'Hey, look what I have', It's a promise I made to myself and God. I think some people misinterpret that as a trend and think everyone's getting one.
However, I began meditating at about that time and have continued on and off over the years.
But there has also been a notable increase in recent years of these applications by a much wider slice of psychotherapists - far greater interest than ever before.