War is idiocy. We live on a small, small planet, and what we do to others is what we do to ourselves.
I do not believe in terrorism, violence, destruction, murder, pre-emption, or War.
We always had Packards, until the war, when they stopped making them; then we had a Cadillac.
There is no glory in war, yet from the blackness of its history, there emerge vivid colours of human character and courage. Those who risked their lives to help their friends.
We cannot be both the world's leading champion of peace and the world's leading supplier of the weapons of war.
War may sometimes be a necessary evil. But no matter how necessary, it is always an evil, never a good. We will not learn how to live together in peace by killing each other's children.
Right at the end of the war I wrote a piano sonata, which was written at a time when Sam Barber used to come down here and we used to have lunch together in a very nice old hotel that's now not there.
My entire life has really revolved around music that was written about the time that I was born, 1908, to just before the First World War and shortly after it. This music I've always known, and it is that music that's most important to me.
Since I'm allergic to various things, the army wouldn't accept me during the war, and I got into the Office of War Information, which sent music to Europe.
My mother learned that she was carrying me at about the same time the Second World War was declared; with the family talent for magic realism, she once told me she had been to the doctor's on the very day.
In every war zone that I've been in, there has been a reality and then there has been the public perception of why the war was being fought. In every crisis, the issues have been far more complex than the public has been allowed to know.
During the Cold War, we lived in coded times when it wasn't easy and there were shades of grey and ambiguity.
The Cold War was over long before it was officially declared dead.
Although our war on drugs must be fortified with the best laws, enforcement efforts and resources, we would not be successful without your individual commitment to this cause.
War is a quarrel between two thieves too cowardly to fight their own battle.