It is true we have won all our wars, but we have paid for them. We don't want victories anymore.
Dinosaurs was a cool idea, but we just couldn't find a way to make it really fun. We've got a bunch of great game ideas that we want to bring to life over the next several years.
The Democrats' plan for 2006? Take the House and Senate and impeach the president. With our nation at war, is this the kind of Congress you want?
I want to share with the American people that President Bush and the Republican majority in just 4 years have borrowed $1.05 trillion from foreign nations. That is selling our country to other nations because of the spending that is going on.
I don't want to remember 2005 as a year that the government heaped unnecessary burdens upon American families. Stealing from the poor and middle class and giving to the rich, while increasing the deficit, is hardly responsible.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's gubernatorial campaign raises a series of fascinating questions, the most perplexing of all being why an international star of his stature would ever want to run in the first place.
Talking about the show reminds you of things that you went through. So it's fun. When the show was on, I couldn't have handled it. I didn't want that direct connection.
I never look at a note. I just roam the stage. The people do not want to leave.
The only stage direction Jackie ever gave him, George said was: 'If you want to stay in the picture, stay close to me.' The rest of the cast remembered a television director's adage.
Women want mediocre men, and men are working to be as mediocre as possible.
If you're not actively involved in getting what you want, you don't really want it.
Choosing what you want to do, and when to do it, is an act of creation.
Learn to ask for what you want. The worst people can do is not give you what you ask for which is precisely where you were before you asked.
I was in Tower Records in San Francisco a few weeks ago, buying some cassettes, and a couple of people recognized me and ran up with albums, and I just wanted to cover my face and have a seizure or something. I want people to just go away.
I couldn't go anywhere unless there was a security guard with me. That spoiled my life. It was like being in captivity. Those days are gone, and I don't ever want to see that happen to me again. Now I can wander around the streets of Los Angeles on my own. I like it that way.