Americans were told repeatedly by President Bush and Vice President Cheney that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. None were ever found.
The calls that I have received from President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the fact that there are other people that are suffering every bit as much as I am, and that our whole nation is going through a tragedy together, I think we have to think about those things.
And I've been acting for 39 years, so I define characters differently than I did in say Miami Vice.
I think in Vice and American Me I played very silent, rigid characters and people remember them.
The U.S. army confirmed that it gave a lucrative fire fighting contract in Iraq to the firm once run by the Vice President Dick Cheney without any competitive bidding. When asked if this could be conceived as Cheney's friends profiting from the war, the spokesman said 'Yes.'
Covetousness is both the beginning and the end of the devil's alphabet - the first vice in corrupt nature that moves, and the last which dies.
Ambition is not a vice of little people.
I prefer a pleasant vice to an annoying virtue.
It is the American vice, the democratic disease which expresses its tyranny by reducing everything unique to the level of the herd.
Under the leadership of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, the United States has given up the moral high ground that we used to occupy as an international leader.
Ambition, in a private man is a vice, is in a prince the virtue.
Laws and customs may be creative of vice; and should be therefore perpetually under process of observation and correction: but laws and customs cannot be creative of virtue: they may encourage and help to preserve it; but they cannot originate it.
Once there were two brothers: one ran away to sea, the other was elected Vice-President-and nothing was ever heard from either of them again.
The superior power of population cannot be checked without producing misery or vice.
By rendering the labor of one, the property of the other, they cherish pride, luxury, and vanity on one side; on the other, vice and servility, or hatred and revolt.