Those who make their dress a principal part of themselves, will, in general, become of no more value than their dress.
I have arrived at the conviction that the neglect by economists to discuss seriously what is really the crucial problem of our time is due to a certain timidity about soiling their hands by going from purely scientific questions into value questions.
It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value.
All Americans value the freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, and I believe this is essential for our continued way of life. But with this freedom comes responsibility. That responsibility has been abdicated here by some in the media and some in the government.
In six short years, small business owners and family farmers will once again be assessed a tax on the value of their property at the time of their death, despite having paid taxes throughout their lifetime.
So our films had a lot more to them than entertainment value, and I'm glad that a lot of people recognize that now. People realize now the value of them as educational.
Even though there's an entertainment value to the film, I think it's very important because you can't really separate the impact of that political message from it. It's rare that you get films like that I think; that really have an important message and are also entertaining.
The value of old age depends upon the person who reaches it. To some men of early performance it is useless. To others, who are late to develop, it just enables them to finish the job.
The value of music is to be able to play one note at the right time in the right way.
The value of music is not dazzling yourself and others with technique.
I try stuff. I synthesize what's of value with some of the other things I have at my disposal.
We do not get to this age to be written off. Older people can act as a support system, which is what happens more in Mediterranean countries. People become much wiser as they get older and we should value that.
Adversity, and perseverance and all these things can shape you. They can give you a value and a self-esteem that is priceless.
A friend should be one in whose understanding and virtue we can equally confide, and whose opinion we can value at once for its justness and its sincerity.
The vanity of loving fine clothes and new fashion, and placing value on ourselves by them is one of the most childish pieces of folly.