Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock.
A lot of the fun lies in trying to penetrate the mystery; and this is best done by saying over the lines to yourself again and again, till they pass through the stage of sounding like nonsense, and finally return to a full sense that had at first escaped notice.
I spend as much time with my kids as any mom who stays home. I only work during the hours they're at school, but there is always the sense of trying to catch up with all their stuff and not only organize my work life but also their school lives.
Boys wear their hearts on their sleeves. Even when they're trying to pull one over on you they're so transparent. Like men.
Even to me, as I was trying to tell the government what had happened, it just didn't seem to matter.
You see, party labels do not ensure unanimity any more than trying to cast the challenge we confront as a people through a partisan prism.
And initially, a lot of companies avoid trying to make a really radical new kind of title for a new system, because that would involve learning a new machine and learning how to make the new title at the same time.
If you don't make mistakes, you aren't really trying.
I'm trying to open a Chopper shop this year.
The federal government seeks to control and regulate the Internet, but the last thing this Congress should be doing is trying to stifle public debate online.
You know, I'm not really any good at working out when people are flirting with me. And I think I'm too flirtatious with people I'm trying not to flirt with! What I am good at is making people feel uncomfortable. I don't want to but it always ends up happening!
I'm very 'spur of the moment'. I'm always trying to think of fun things to do to create a memory.
I'm like a child trying to do everything, say everything and be everything all at once.
I couldn't run a tight schedule, and if you're any good at teaching, you get sucked dry because you like your students and you're trying to help them, but you don't have any time left to write yourself.
Normally when I work with bands I'm trying to refine and improve what's already there.