I think everyone has some fascination with what's outside our existence. It's a constant journey to find the truth.
Then again, they're not scripted and I feel it's virtually impossible to be anything but yourself when you're in front of the cameras and cooking so there is a measure of truth in what you see.
Reason is a supple nymph, and slippery as a fish by nature. She had as leave give her kiss to an absurdity any day, as to syllogistic truth. The absurdity may turn out truer.
Since obscenity is the truth of our passion today, it is the only stuff of art - or almost the only stuff.
Tragedy is like strong acid - it dissolves away all but the very gold of truth.
All vital truth contains the memory of all that for which it is not true.
I feel like a hostage to fortune. Not that I am complaining. I wanted to play the role. But in truth I didn't think the show would be such a success. OK, I thought it would fail. Not because it was bad. I was confident it was good, but plenty of good things just sort of wither on the vine.
Over the course of time this gave us a deep respect for ideas, both our own and those of others, and an understanding that conflict through debate is a powerful means of revealing truth.
Hinduism's basic tenet is that many roads exist by which men have pursued and still pursue their quest for the truth and that none has universal validity.
So rather than face the bitter truth, China has placed severe restrictions on the Internet and enlisted America's high-tech companies as their Internet police.
Science, almost from its beginnings, has been truly international in character. National prejudices disappear completely in the scientist's search for truth.
The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.
I seek a deeper truth, but I don't think I have to go to a building designated for worship to find it.
Sure I think it is healthy to speak the truth, and be who you are, and be proud of that.
In argument, truth always prevails finally; in politics, falsehood always.