You look at Gone With the Wind, how right Vivian Leigh was for that. Don't know if that would happen today.
The citizens of New Hampshire expect and deserve a government as clean as our mountain streams and as open as our blue skies. Today let us pledge together to make this government - the people's government - clean, open and honest.
Today it's almost impossible to do it unless you are an actress or writer with power... I wouldn't hesitate right this minute to hire a talented woman if the subject matter were right.
The ideals and principles for which Dr King fought have never been forgotten and are as relevant today as they were 40 years ago.
These are some of the things for which we believe the American people owe no little gratitude to the Dutch; and these are the things for which today, speaking in the name of the American people, we venture to express their heartfelt thanks.
Unlike most other children, - especially unlike those of today - who are eager to become men and women as speedily as possible, I had a terror of growing up, which became more and more accentuated as I grew older.
Most of the vices and mortal sins condemned today correspond to inclinations that were purely adaptive or at least harmless in primitive man.
It's a funny thing, but today the Titanic is probably much more - that is people are much more aware of it than they were in 1954, when I was doing my research.
And we do talk a lot about my past and my impression of things and how it relates to what we're doing now. The Brady Bunch, in its heyday, was really the genesis of when TV started to become the force that it is today.
Build today, then strong and sure, With a firm and ample base; And ascending and secure. Shall tomorrow find its place.
Contrast the United States with any country on the face of the earth today and ask yourself whether the situation of the United States is not the best to be found.
Look at the United States today. We have made mistakes in the past. We have had shortcomings. We shall make mistakes in the future and fall short of our own best hopes.
I'm asthmatic. I was a lot bigger back then, and I still get winded on stage today. But I've learned how to pace it now. I have musical breaks in there.
I really believe that's one of the many reasons that God had put me right in the middle of the Backstreet Boys. There are so many stars today that don't realize the impact they have on young people. Being a superstar is great, as long as you can be a positive role model.
Drilling in ANWR fails to lower energy prices today and sets no long term energy strategy for tomorrow.