To work all the time is to be incredibly lucky.
Time will tell us what we did and didn't do.
You have to just dive over the edge. You haven't got time to mess about.
In the best material, you always should be able to somehow make a case for a story to be transposed to any other time.
There comes a time in the affairs of man when he must take the bull by the tail and face the situation.
In a show or a movie, one must work with many people. Many women just don't have the time for it.
There aren't more lady songwriters for the same reason that there aren't more lady doctors or lady accountants or lady lawyers; not enough women have the time for careers.
It was frightening because it was the first time I had gotten a sense of how serious the problem was. It became clear from his notes that he felt the president himself was involved.
Dean had just come from seeing his lawyer. That was the first time that I found out that he had consulted a lawyer. He wanted to tell me what he thought was going on, but he was writing it down as if my house was bugged. He acted like everything was bugged.
I'm still friendly with Dean. He still calls me on the phone from time to time. John Dean was fired and later ended up spending some time in prison for his role in Watergate.
When the judges shall be obliged to go armed, it will be time for the courts to be closed.
I haven't had an orthodox career, and I've wanted more than anything to have your respect. The first time I didn't feel it, but this time I feel it, and I can't deny the fact that you like me, right now, you like me!
I was just lucky enough to grow up in a time when they actually had drama departments in schools.
I was raised to sense what someone wanted me to be and be that kind of person. It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.
It took me a long time not to judge myself through someone else's eyes.