And I used to assemble the family to hear because I thought that they were so good that even from the point of view of enjoyment people shouldn't miss them, and I got every word of his that I could, and I could see by hard argument there was only the one way for it.
I sometimes have a horrible fear of turning up a canvas of mine. I'm always afraid of finding a monster in place of the precious jewels I thought I had put there!
The Companion of Honour I regarded as an award from the country for 50 years of work - which I thought was okay.
People today sometimes get uncomfortable with empirical claims that seem to clash with their political assumptions, often because they haven't given much thought to the connections.
Pure love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving anything in return.
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought.
The question I asked Georges has now become a general one - You, who thought you were superfluous, who thought there was no place for you in society, not only are you not superfluous, you are needed and so those who were beggars become givers.
I was going to be a concert pianist, and when I was in high school, my parents were scared to death that I would focus too much on that too soon. And that I'd end up in some sort of dead end, and not fulfilling whatever potential they thought I had.
An idea is a point of departure and no more. As soon as you elaborate it, it becomes transformed by thought.
I have gone from a player who thought he would spend his whole career with one organization to a player who's been with three organizations in a week. It's like rotisserie baseball.
Scientific thought, then, is not momentary; it is not a static instance; it is a process.
I've been wanting to go into music ever since I can remember. I mean even before I became an actor. I just thought it would be a tough field to break into, so I became an actor instead.
Insurrection of thought always precedes insurrection of arms.
What the Puritans gave the world was not thought, but action.
A film goes through so many hands, that by the time it's done, it might not resemble what you thought you were making.