I'd just recorded it in Mariah Carey's studio. THey thought the song was perfect for Nina, because she's so shy, so it was nice to have that connection with Nina in the song. It was special.
Ideas must be put to the test. That's why we make things, otherwise they would be no more than ideas. There is often a huge difference between an idea and its realisation. I've had what I thought were great ideas that just didn't work.
A self made man is a rarity and hated by the parasites that floated to fame thought their parents, relatives and contacts.
No real social change has ever been brought about without a revolution... revolution is but thought carried into action.
The most unpardonable sin in society is independence of thought.
I thought, this is a good sign. There's something perfect and right about this.
When I listen to these women, it makes what I thought were my hard knocks feel like little nudges.
After the crash happened, I was so humiliated and embarrassed. I thought of Mothers Against Drunk Drivers, that they must hate me.
I didn't think I was fat. I just thought I didn't need to gain any weight. But I would drop weight and then I would be comfortable with that number. Then I would lose more weight and that would become my new number.
I thought that the AIVD was there to protect citizens like me.
No, originally I thought that writing articles would keep me from having to see a psychiatrist, but I became even more depressed as a result.
All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again.
There's a certain way you stand to give yourself authority, which gives you the texture for the part. I chose that my character hadn't been married, he'd worked his way up the chain of command. For a small cameo role, I gave it a lot of thought.
They sent me the script, asking me to play the part of a general. I have never played the part of an authority figure. I've never thought of myself that way. I was uncomfortable with it, but I worked at it and knew I had a guttural voice for a general.
I graduated from high school in '62 and I didn't know any people who were gay. I'm sure there were people, but I didn't know any. For years and years, I guess, I was very uptight about being a gay actor. I thought it would make me less hirable.