Without getting real personal, we liked our bass player Ed. He was a great guy and he was a good bass player but his playing was suited for a different style of band.
Coming to understand a painting or a symphony in an unfamiliar style, to recognize the work of an artist or school, to see or hear in new ways, is as cognitive an achievement as learning to read or write or add.
To me style is just the outside of content, and content the inside of style, like the outside and the inside of the human body. Both go together, they can't be separated.
Hair style is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself.
Your English style will no doubt put all the other gentlemen to bed. I speak figuratively, of course.
Style is the image of character.
The style of an author should be the image of his mind, but the choice and command of language is the fruit of exercise.
It's true that I tend to daydream. I'm the same person in business as I am in music: I can be distracted and absentminded. It's my style.
I knew style and content went hand in hand.
I don't have the notion that everybody has to write in some single academic style.
It is hardly surprising that the Georgian domestic style emerges as the most remarkable in the world.
The American order reveals a method that was largely the outcome of material necessity, as exemplified by the Colonial style and the grid.
Movement should be a counter, whether in action scenes or dialogue or whatever. It counters where your eye is going. This style thing, for me it's all fitted to the action, to the script, to the characters.
I think my view is that whenever you project into the future you're never likely to be accurate in the details, or the paraphernalia and style.
Style is that which indicates how the writer takes himself and what he is saying. It is the mind skating circles around itself as it moves forward.