Saying you have a political solution is like saying you can write a pop song that's going to stay at the top of the list forever. I don't have many illusions about this, but I'm not cynical about it.
I don't mean this in a stuck-up way, but I needed an attitude song.
Finding fresh song topics can sometimes be quite difficult.
My own personal favorite Cher song is the unforgettable Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.
A close-up on screen can say all a song can.
If you're dealing with a musical in which you're trying to tell a story, it's got to sound like speech. At the same time it's got to be a song.
There's something inimical about the camera and song.
Each time I play a song it seems more real.
You don't really know a song until you play it live.
Like I can't cry for myself so I will let this song take all of the things inside I can't let anyone else see and offer it up, as if the sound were some kind of god, and my pain is some kind of sacrifice.
Sometimes I'll get to the end of a song, open my eyes and there's all these faces peering at me. It's quite horrifying.
It is important that the audience should understand every syllable of every word, for only then can they grasp the meaning of the song.
Since I have been singing for so many years, I don't always need to approach a song quite so laboriously and meticulously.
Up till now I wrote the songs on my acoustic guitar alone with the Lord. Then I would take the song and share it with my family and then we all would figure out instrumentation together.
I would rather be remembered by a song than by a victory.