You should not have taken advantage of my sensibility to steal into my affections without my consent.
The cultivation of sensibility on purely personal lines may, in fact, be the very worst training for a world where only the corporate and the cooperative will matter.
We live less and less, and we learn more and more. Sensibility is surrendering to intelligence.
Children make you a better everything. Daughters open up a whole different sensibility to you. When you have children, it focuses you on them as opposed to on yourself.
The idea of 'machine assemblage' is, especially, very alien to my sensibility, since it suggests a relative indifference of the strata to one another during the process of construction.
I have a naturally camp sensibility and a camp sense of humour. I love the icons that gay people love.
Light comes to us by the sensibility. Without visual sensibility there is no light, no movement.
I was always a visual person. I could see things visually. I had a harder time with numbers and logic, and I always had more of an artistic sensibility. So that I could do. And it was something that I really loved.
People want other people to know that they share our sensibility even if they're not exactly sure what that sensibility is.
In order to move others deeply we must deliberately allow ourselves to be carried away beyond the bounds of our normal sensibility.
I think the thing that has made it possible for me to write personal songs and sing them year after year is the sensibility for good writing. Just opening your veins all over the paper is not necessarily going to be interesting. I wanted to speak to people.
I wanted to make an image for myself as an outlaw type. A kind of rock 'n' roll sensibility.
Nearly all our originality comes from the stamp that time impresses upon our sensibility.
The parental, and filial affections seem to be as ardent, their sensibility and attachment, as active and faithful, as those observed to be in human nature.
I think decor says a lot about someone's social position, their taste, their sensibility, their work - and also about the aesthetic way I have chosen to tell their story.